
Read about the idea behind and, make your choice on how to support me and the projects

Your choice

This is also your planet.

You did not cause the situation as it is today. However, you do have to live with it and in it. You are part of a global community, and we need your help. You might decide not to do anything, but then you will become liable.

Let's try to look at some easy ways, in which you can find benefits for yourself and still help us.

So, if any of your possible actions could help to save the planet whilst at the same time provide an incentive or even benefit for you, then we would have an actionable plan for you. And you don't need to do more than what is in that plan.

You even could do less, but that is up to you. Trust me, it is easy and, it will make you feel good or even better. Just look trough that list and see, what is the easiest for you to do.

I am asking just for a little here.

Get a back pack!

Put all, what you need throughout every day within that back pack. Don't carry around more than you really need. Take that back pack with you - always and, never leave it in your car. Get used to carrying your stuff around with you - at all times and, under all circumstances.

If you own a car, then remove everything from it whenever you don't need it. Try to carry all your stuff within your back pack.

This reduces the amount of energy needed to carry you around, which in turn comes down, to either less fossil fuel being burnt, or less electricity used. Even if these savings are minuscule, please try to sum up the savings for one year, that can be achieved in your city.

Share commute!

Once you become really mobile, because you carry all what you need with you in your backpack, you  can also commute by joining one of your colleagues or neighbors in their car towards where you need to go. You could also give public transport a try. (For example, it might often be feasible that your neighbor drops you at a subway station.)

Of course, you also could try to ride to work on a bicycle, but I don't want to ask to much. However, if you would like to, but have the feeling that you are not in best shape to do so, then you might look into electric bicycles, which assist with electric motors whenever some high tech chip senses, that you might need help, like when driving uphill. Please, make sure, that the air is clean and not harmful. Combustion engine exhaust gases can become toxic even in low concentrations. So, please stay safe.

Avoid, reduce and minimize waste:

Do not litter. Someone has to clean that up, which in turn causes a higher demand on energy compared to you just carrying it to next trash bin.

When going for lunch or dinner, please try to choose as few packagings as possible. You might rather go out for a pizza on a plate, than for noodles in a box. You might rather take the large cup of chicken wings, than a burger, some nuggets and a candy along with ketchup, sauce and straw all packaged separately.

If you, like me, are in the habit of drinking a lot of coffee (or tea for that matter) throughout the day, you might get yourself a nice thermal insulated coffee mug, made of stainless steel or aluminum, so you keep your favorite hot drink warm and use less cardboard cups.

It adds up, if you use a coffee brewer once to get a fill for an insulated can, rather than having each cup brewed separately. No, I don't mind the occasional portion of an espresso neither. But it is something special, so why not keep it that way in just doing it less often.

Buy fruits and vegetables at the local small store around the corner of your home, so you can avoid a lot of packaging in the first place and help a neighbor to make a living also. Besides, you might win friends just by going to that store frequently.

Don't burn your litter or garbage at home or in your garden if by any means possible. Use garbage disposal service where available.

Eat less meat and also eat less fish!

That is a hard one for me also, but I feel like I have to. I love sushi, but I only eat it once a month anymore. I love chicken, but I only eat it once a week anymore. I love burgers, but I only eat one once a week. I love gammon and ham on my bread for dinner, and I just can't get rid of that habit, because I just fail to find anything else with a taste to put on my bread, but I must keep searching.

And yes, I love steaks. Sorry, if you are a vegetarian or vegan. I did not want to be offensive here. I am just describing, why some of the things I would recommend are really hard to do. I just want to make clear, that I try to do my best, even if still not being at perfect levels. However, please accept my sincere apologies, if I did offend you. Sorry.

However, I stopped eating shark and most other exotic seafood, despite some sushi once a month. I do love and admire sharks, despite them inducing fear. Yes, I do fear sharks, but they are never the less majestic.

Consume less energy!

As with all else, please keep in mind, that this is not something you need to do right now. Just keep the energy savings thingy in your mind, whenever you purchase something.

Buy tools and machines and refrigerators and so on just in the size you really are gonna need. A giant fridge with smaller compartments, where you can open each small door separately consumes less energy than a tall one with just one door.

For example, you also could get motion sensors for lights in hall ways and stair ways and in your driveway and in your basement and the garage. You might research home automation and make a sport out of getting to the minimum energy needed to still support your habits.

If you need a new AC, then look for a model which has a default temperature of like 25°C, rather than the one with a default of 16°C. Cooling a room down to 25°C when it is like 30°C outside costs already a reasonable amount of energy. I've found 25°C fine, when in areas comparable to Florida or even Western Cape in South Africa. Cooling down another 9°C just will consume a multiple of the energy. Whilst that might seem a little, it will help to increase the outside temperature, hence causing even higher consumption. But, if you happen to live in a city with heavy haze and Smog already, then the AC turns into a heating system for the polluted air in the streets. Give it a try, please!

Read books, or listen to talks about environmental change! Or watch videos about it.

Whenever we as humans cause change in the environment it will haunt back on us. All damage to the environment will hurt humans sooner or later.

Thank you already for that, you read this and are willing to help save the planet. Thank you!

Give electric vehicles a try and, maybe even your voice!

Electric vehicles consume electric power. Even if the electricity has been produce by burning preprocessed waste, coal or other fossil fuels or even bio gas then, still the use of an electric car is more efficient in comparison to one with a combustion engine.

The reasons being reduced wear and tear on also fewer parts. Electric vehicles can also recuperate electric energy if you lift your foot from the accelerator and, when you hit the brakes. Other than that it might appear to be easier to filter or clean the exhaust from a large power plant than a giant fleet of vehicles which are spread out.

Demand renewable energies and clean fusion power!

Of course it would be ideal to generate electric power by other means than burning anything, which produces carbon dioxide.

That might be a long way to go, but scientist are heavily researching in this area. We just recently have seen the first successful experiments with Tokamak and Stellarator test engines. It is estimated that we might see the first atomic fusion reactor going into production within the next 20 years.

Problem is just that, we do not have that much time anymore. No, it is really really late right now and, if we wait another 20 years, then the planet is doomed, whatever we do. We won't be able to rescue the planet. It will die.

We have to act now, and for this to work, we must make compromises. We must accept solutions, which are just not perfect, but which can at least buy us some time. (If atomic power plants weren't so
measly maintained and, security guide lines so ruthlessly ignored, then we even had a case for continued use of them. But as it is now, that would mean to gamble, if we might make it another 20 years or not. But the odds of us destroying the habitat on our planet would be even higher.)

Donate yourself!

Well, whilst this sounds like a valid option, for the most of us it is not. That is reasonable and no one can ask you to give up all your life, just to save the planet, when others could do also, but won't.

It is my honest belief that, you are entitled to your way of live and, you are free to do as you please. We need scientists, to help us better understand, we need teachers, we need bus drivers, we need engineers, we need janitors, we ne care takers, we need police and, we even need lawyers.

But if you feel that, it is upon you to act upon yourself, then you are welcome. There are many organizations who need help, be that volunteers or even professional positions. You also can start some on your own.

However, I do not expect everyone to drop their lives and to start over as a Green Peace Warrior or as a Sea Shepherd. No, just move on.

All I am realyl asking, is that you might listen if the planet needs help and that you try to help those, who are trying to save the planet.

Donate your voice!

Spread the word. Whilst I see a bleak future of our planet, then that might not necessarily come true. I would not attempt doing any of this, if I would not see a chance.

You might help everyone, who tries to save the planet, just by talking about it, by raising awareness and attention with your family and friends.

You might as well point some business person you know, to one or the other project, especially if there might be a valid commercial proposition, that can generate revenue whilst also doing good for the environment or that help to raise the levels of awareness.

Donate money, bonus miles, or even things you don't need anymore!

There is not much to say about this. Everyone needs to make a living and might even deserve a small extra time by time. So, please, feel free to look to your bonus and rewards programs, if you could not donate a few of these points or miles, or even directly donate a buck or 2. Every donation helps.

There is no such thing as to little or to few. Every support is greatly appreciated.

Even consider other organizations that try to help in other ways, as such as "one hour code" or other fighting illiteracy, or fighting diseases, please try to help.

Think of anyone you see on TV or in the Newspapers just as a neighbor you haven't been aware of before. Just a neighbor who could really need each and every help they can get.

Thank you for your time.

Thank you!